Master of (Almost) All She Surveys...

...except maybe the ducks.
She greeted us with wildly careening circles in the parking lot while her  master struggled launch  the kayak. We admired her blue lifejacket with a shark fin.

She would have preferred just to go directly into the water instead of getting into the boat. In fact, she did  launch herself off the boat ramp into the water. We heard lots of commands....Shiloh...get in the boat!... and lots of splashing around but by the time they hove into view again, she had assumed her stance in the bow,  as the kayak sailed by.

She was obviously enjoying herself....

The temperature has kicked up to 100℉ this weekend, giving me a chance to use the symbol for degrees which I finally located with a good deal of help from Harold last weekend. It helps to have his enquiring mind and some confidence. rather than my timid mind which is terrified of  screwing up. I can fix a failed recipe, a sentence that doesn't work or a leaky faucet, but when it comes to making a computer behave, I am a complete wimp.

We're looking forward to a dinner with a lot of home grown produce tonight...zucchini, tomatoes and bell peppers. With a little garlic and some capers it should be nicely refreshing.


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