Magpie Moth

Back home from our Islay Adventure, and having had such a bloody fine time, life begins to return to normal. That means hunting around for a blip!

This fellow is a Magpie Moth, and was resting on the wisteria by the front door when I arrived home on a very mucky Morrigan. In truth the run down from our Rochdale stopover was dry - despite the threatened thunderstorm downpours. They came, but later, once we were home. Overall, given the possibilities, we've had the most marvellous dry and sunny weather and only rarely did the skies open upon us.

Anyhow, I've managed to back blip a few days, and it's close to midnight. More will follow, and later again all the other photo's will appear on Flickr. I'll also try and catch up with all your photo's that have passed unremarked by me while I've had my head in peaty malt land. Thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts.

Dammit. I need to plan a new adventure! Who's with me?  :-)

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