Hoopy specs

Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

Much driving today. We begin with an early morning run to Glasgow airport with Gáspár. Then to Livingston to collect my passport, adorned with a new US visa, from the nice folks at DX.

I purchase bacon and black pudding at Mr Findlay's in Portobello and call on Nick for breakfast. He had an early run to the airport himself, with Anamaria, and had gone back to bed. On the way out, I say hello to Catriona - who is looking sad and forlorn. She wants to go to the barn, but it doesn't look like it's going to work out this year.

In Haddington, I visit Dave. He's quite upbeat, considering the way things have gone. The house is unchanged, the garden is overgrown, but the kettle works and there is tea and milk. The good news: Joss got a first in history and is off to Paris to continue his studies. The bad news: pretty much everything else.

Back to Portobello to collect Megan. She's been staying with a friend for a week doing her National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (the last one expired). She has hoopy, new glasses and is cheery as usual. We plod home, both in a bit of a daze.

Angus has managed to get a lift home from last night's party in Eddleston. He hasn't had much sleep, and dozes on the sofa. We graze on leftovers and watch Memento.

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