My Dear Fellow,

Today I took Shetland Dad to see "Dunkirk". He LOVES war films. I think he's seen "Band of Brothers" about 20 times.

When it was over, I asked him how he liked it. "It was loud," he replied. This is not a ringing endorsement.

He was right though. There's not much dialogue in the movie, but a lot of screaming fighter planes, shrieking of tortured metal and all this backed up by an industrial pulsing soundtrack.

You know, the sort of thing that goes BWAAAAMP BWAAAAMP BWAAAAAMP like someone was playing a cello with a jackhammer.

So I wasn't over-impressed. But apparently Shetland Dad appreciated being taken out and about anyway. So I get to feel good about myself today despite the movie. Now where's the paracetamol?


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