Going to Town

I went out this morning before the rain started.  It was very windy, but not too cold (+8C).  I even clocked up 8,000 steps.  Now it is raining heavily, and I am so pleased that I am indoors with a nice hot fire going.  This is where I'll stay for the rest of the day.  Feeling sorry for the people who live in Timaru and Ashburton, where there is flooding.  Let's hope the front soon passes, leaving behind lots of fresh snow for the ski fields.

Blip No. 1970

NZ news 1970  (Extra 1)

Police and anti-Vietnam war protestors clash outside the hotel where visiting US Vice president Spiro Agnew was staying.
The Kapuni gas treatment plant was commissioned.
British Commonwealth Games held in Edinburgh, Scotland
2 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze = 14 in total.
Cycling won 2 gold, Athletics won 3 silver, Lawn Bowls 1 silver and Weightlifting 2 silver.  The bronze medals were won by 1 Athlete, 1 Cycling, 1 Swimming, 1 Weightlifting and 2 Wrestling.

Famous NZers born in 1970

David Smail, golfer  :  Chris Cairns, cricketer  :  Alama Ieremia, rugby player  :  Simon Power, politician  :  Metiria Turei, politician

Death  :  Bruce McLaren, racing driver and car designer.

Pop songs 1970

Bridge over Troubled Water, Simon & Garfunkel   :  Raindrops keep fallin' on my head, BJ Thomas  :  Ain't no mountain high enough, Diana Ross  :  Let it Be, The Beatles  :  Everything is Beautiful, Ray Stevens  :  

World news 1970

Muammar Gaddafi is proclaimed premier of Libya.
US President Richard Nixon signs a bill limiting cigarette advertisements from 1 January 1971.
Paul McCartney announces the split of The Beatles.
Edwin Land patents the Polaroid camera.
British government of Edward Heath forms (with Margaret Thatcher in the Cabinet).
Casey Kasem's American Top 40 debuts on LA raddio.
Thor Heyerdahl crosses the Atlantic on raft Ra II, arrives in Barbados from Morocco in 57 days.
Elton John's 1st US appearance in LA.
Decca awards Bing Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million.
The Mary Tyler Moore show premieres on CBS
US President Richard Nixon promises gradual troop removal of Vietnam.
Douglas Engelbart receives the patent for the first computer mouse.
Linus Pauling declares large doses of Vitamin C could ward off colds.
General Hafez al-Assad becomes Prime Minister of Syria following military coup.

Famous people born in 1970

Mariah Carey, (47), Pop Singer  :  Melania Trump, (47), political wife  :  Ted Cruz, (46), politician  :  Tina Fey, (47) TV Actress  :  Naomi Campbell, (47), Model  :  

Another Friday, so another weekend,  I hope yours is a good one.

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