Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Yes, We Have No Bananas

...or do we?
This is a weird combination of things to use as a collage.  The main focal points are the melons on the top left.  Any idea what they are?  Native to Sub-Saharan Africa, they are now grown in Australia, New Zealand (they aren't kiwi), Portugal, Italy, Germany and some places in the U.S.

You'll have to look at the tag for their official name; however,they are also known as blow fish fruit, African horned cucumber, jelly melon and hedged gourd (among others). The slimy interior is described by connoisseurs as tasting like a cross between zucchini, cucumbers and kiwi fruit.  As they ripen, though, the taste is distinctly like bananas!; hence, shared space in the collage.

As far as the quote, I saw it and loved it.  It seemed a fit to describe DJT's party, with the exception of Sens. Susan Collins (ME), Shelly Moore Capito (WV), and Lisa Murkowski (AK).  

Here's a (not so) surprising fact about the US Presidency:  DJT is the first one EVER to not have a pet in the White House. Oops, fact checked this.  Martin Van Buren had a couple of tiger cubs that got sent to the zoo. Andrew Johnson also lacked a furry companion, though he did make a habit of feeding mice he encountered in the White House (the reason for his impeachment?)

( seems as I write this there is some sort of Hail Mary in the works to save the Better Care Act.  May have to edit this later if AK and WV fold.)

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