Mr and Mrs

We had such a lovely day today! We went to Heaven! It was actually Heaven Farm in Sussex. We walked a trail across fields and through ancient woodland where iron had been smelted in Roman times, charcoal was burned and oak coppiced. The Greenwich meridian crosses this field just near the spot where my parents are sitting. 

It was only after I'd taken this photo that I saw the resemblance to Gainborough's painting of Mr and Mrs Andrews (in composition, at least!).

On our way home we stopped in the village of Fletching for a drink in the garden of the Griffin pub, where the view is billed as the "Sussex Serengeti" and then we visited the ancient church, where Simon de Montfort kept vigil before the battle of Lewes in 1264 (which led to the beginnings of the English Parliament). 

So much history in one day!

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