A Danish Lunch

Smørrebrod means buttered bread in Danish, but as I learned this morning by helping Ann assemble them, they are ever so much more. In the picture, which was taken by Harold, we are about to begin serving ourselves from the selection of  Smørrebrød  that Anne and I assembled this morning. From the top few salmon with scrambled egg and chives, baby shrimp with mayonnaise and dill, leverpostej (paté ) with mushrooms, bacon and cucumber, and roast beef with mustard pickle and cornichons. In addition, Anne made Frikadeller, a type of Danish meatball, with pickled beets, Karrysalat,,herring salad with curry cream dressing, and cucumber salad with dill.

In Denmark, housewives can buy all the ingredients ready to assemble , but Anne prepared all the ingredients herself (sautéed mushrooms, fried bacon, chopped red onion, etc) and passed them to me where I attempted to put just the right amount of butter onto the exact right kind of light rye bread to seal it so that the toppings don't leak through.

The other couple are Carl and Joyce, Anne and Harold's neighbors. We have met them before when we came up and went to Albany to visit the workshop where Carl was in charge of rebuilding the mechanism for a traditional carrousel. He took us on a tour of the workshops where the animals were being carved and painted and the mechanism was being cleaned and rebuilt. 

When they arrived today, Joyce brought  an invitation to Carl's birthday party which will be held at the carrousel, soon to have it's grand opening, fourteen years after the project was begun. I have put a picture of the invitation and the wonderful carrousel in extras.

Ozzie is almost back to normal today, Thanks to all of you who sent your good wishes to him. Keep hoping that we can figure out a way to make him lie down for the ride home so that he doesn't start the whole process over again by insisting on standing up....

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