As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Don't Wake Me Up

I'm really trying to use my camera instead of my phone to blip.

Getting up for school this morning was rough after a relaxing four-day weekend, but with the help of Chris Brown's Don't Wake Me Up and Nicki Minaj's Pound the Alarm, I managed to get to school on time, and even a little early. In English, we have firmly established that Nick Carraway of The Great Gatsby was gay. Done. We had a sub in Italian, and that was a nice surprise. Orchestra, then the party formerly known as AP Physics. We had a double, and we actually did work, but we always find a way to make the work fun. We spent lunch in the physics room because Cahill's office was locked. We basically just spent forty minutes geeking out about the evolutionary advantages of splotched bark on trees. One relatively painless APUSH class, slightly stressful health class, and always-exciting math class later, and it was time for the year's first Literary Society meeting! LitSo is basically a high school book club with tons of good food and funny people. I really enjoy it and can't wait to find out what the first book of the year is. Easy three at practice today in preparation for tomorrow's meet. Our first meet just happens to be against our biggest competition for the whole season, so everyone's nervous. I can safely say that this is the first meet that I'm genuinely excited for. Not sure why, but I'm just ready to race. I tutored from 6:15-7:15 and then went straight to Grace and George's pasta party. Even though I came late, there was still plenty of pasta for me to enjoy. I talked with some of the senior girls about what kinds of clothing we're going to get each season this year, and it's looking like windbreakers will have to wait until spring track. As long as I get one by the time I graduate, I'll be fine. I stayed late with Rich and Brendan to help clean up, and now I'm home blipping and getting everything ready for tomorrow.

As if having the first meet of the season wasn't stressful enough, tomorrow is also the first MYO rehearsal. I'm with a new conductor in the highest level orchestra, and apparently he's really strict. I'm nervous. Check in tomorrow to find out how it all goes.

Word of the Day: Bollix - To do something badly; bungle

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