Red Flash

By RedFlash


Well Rat really

Didn't like anything that I photographed today. Not firing on all cylinders.

This street art is in Chiswell Street, just down the road from work.

It isn't a Banksy but it always makes me smile. I wonder how many people notice it? And it is appropriate as I do Love London

Go large to see the reflections down the road.

The thing that made me smile:

Saw a squirrel with half a croissant. I wonder if he was given it or stole it?
The sun shone all day, although it was cold
There was mist in the fields when we left Winchester

The thing that made me cry:
A good friend left work today - I am really bad at goodbyes

Exercise: Walked from Waterloo to work at a fast pace with Brian and Roy which meant that there weren't any blipping opportunities

PS There were two men talking really loudly on the train going home, so I couldn't sleep . As a result I am tired

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