Wild Monarda....

....taken at the park this morning. The optional theme for today's FlowerFriday is:  "to incorporate the first letter of either your journal name or your blipper name",  which would be a "d" for me........going out on a limb here with "Dreamy", although  the petal that's sticking up COULD form the basis for a "d", and the petal to it's left is halfway looped down, to begin making the curve for the bottom of a "d", so it's close!! Haha! Or not...........  :))
Lots going on here this weekend--South Shore Water Frolics (complete with fireworks at night), Milwaukee Bastille Days, Milwaukee Air and Water Show and the Bristol Renaissance Faire--not sure what I'll make it to, but I'm hoping the weather will hold for the Air and Water show, as the Navy's Blue Angels are performing! We've had them flying over our house the past 2 days on their way out over the Lake to practice, and you can hear them coming long before you can see them! Last year when Tom and I toured the Naval Museum in Pensacola I got to sit in one of the Blue Angels' F-18's!!   Hope you all have a great weekend! :))

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