All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bottom of the Bings

It's Wednesday today, which means the first Mummy & Ethan day of the week.

We ended up having to phone the vets in the morning for an emergency appointment for Cleo. She still wasn't looking much better than yesterday and then started to violently shake, which was quite alarming. The vet took his life in his hands trying to examin her. She doesn't like vets at the best of times and turns into a raging wildcat - he had to get 2 nurses to hold her down under a towel while he checked her over. Ethan seemed to think watching her hissing and spitting at them was very amusing!

The vet isn't sure if it is a reaction to the flea spot on or if that's a red herring, but as her symptoms appeared so quickly after me applying it, that's how he's treating it for the time being. She's very dehydrated and has lost 10% of her weight since she was last weighed 9 months ago (although that's clearly nothing to do with this specific issue). She has been given a steroid injection and injected with fluids and has to go back again tomorrow. If she's no better then he will consider admitting her and sedating her to take bloods and put an IV in, although is worried that with her personality she might just rip it back out!

She did seem a bit better this afternoon and came downstairs, ate some food and wanted a fuss made of her, so fingers crossed tomorrow will see more improvement.

My friend Shona and her wee boy Ruaridh came round in the afternoon for a wee playdate. Always wonderful seeing our precious boys playing together.

A wee trip to Whitburn in the evening for me for my monthly eyebrow wax. I stopped off at the bottom of the Five Sisters on the way back to take a few shots. Last time I blipped there was from the other side a few years ago.

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