All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

September Sunshine

This spot on our landing has long been a favourite place of Leia's to sit and bask in the sunshine. She stayed there for hours today.

Unlike poor Cleo. I made the mistake of recently buying a different brand of flea spot on and put some on her late last night. Within minutes it was clear she was having a bad reaction to it. Coughing, sneezing, wheezing, eyes streaming ... this morning she wasn't much better and by lunchtime hadn't moved off my bed, where she had slept all night with us. I phoned the vets for advice who asked me to take the box up to them as it wasn't a brand they were familiar with, so they could check the ingredients and decide if they felt they needed to assess Cleo. They phoned me later to say there isn't anything in it which should harm her but that they didn't rate the product much. I'm going to monitor Cleo overnight and if she's no better tomorrow I'll take her up to them for a check up. Poor thing sounds like Darth Vader and is clearly really miserable.

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