Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


The new Canadian Mounty Police! God help us.

This morning saw us start the day with the Calgary 5km Parkrun up at Nose hill which is the highest point in Calgary. It was hot, windy and hilly but it was great meeting so many like minded people. We weren't the only tourists taking part and I even met two girls from Newcastle who were lovely, of course! The plan was to let hubby run his own race and me and the kids follow behind with the only rule being that we had to stick together on the first lap. That didn't quite go to plan as me and Olivia were too slow for Dex and with each step he gradually pulled away! By the second lap the gap was so big that I couldn't see him so I decided to leave Olivia so that I could catch Dex and give him some water (as this was the first time he'd ran 5km and it was already in the early 20s at 9am). It took me ages to catch up to him and then the little bugger started sprinting when he realised I was getting close. I called to him to stop so he could have some water. He took a big swig, and was grinning from ear to ear as he said lots of people were supporting him. He ran on while I ran back for Olivia so that we could finish together. There was a huge hill near the end that we walked up, but apparently Dex had breezed up as he claimed it was very easy! My husband got a shock when he saw Dex coming into the finish as he didn't even look tired! He wants to do another parkrun next weekend but his sister has asked if she can be a volunteer instead! I loved the way she hugged him at the end and how they played together while I ran back to collect in cones and markers. Unfortunately a gentleman collapsed at the end so I spent some time helping him before we left.

The rest of the day was spent exploring Calgary and we ended up at the Fort where we learned about the history of Calgary and the Mounty Police - we just had to dress up!

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