From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


I know, I know. I said I'd go back for the trees today. But the light's all wrong, and I know I'll be in a rush again when I go to pick Little G up from pre-school. And this is more how I'm feeling today.

My house is a mess. My ironing basket is overflowing. My facebook newsfeed is full of other mums proclaiming the minutiae of the triumphs of their productive days, and complaining how little time they have...

I do know how they feel - I'm sure I have posted such things in the past, just to make myself feel a bit better. But today they are grating. So today I made a different choice. I chose a large mug of strong coffee, and a big thick slab of a novel. While Littler G slept and Little G was at pre-school I sat down and I read 100 pages of our current book club novel. In the middle of the afternoon. In the midst of our mess. And boy did it feel good!

So here, instead of trees, is a picture of some of my books: to remind myself to make this choice more often.

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