Winter is coming

Actually, winter had arrived when I realised I'd nearly left my blip run a bit late. A dead agapanthus to the rescue.

It's snowing up the road and I'll wait and see what overnight brings before I decide if I'll drive into town tomorrow to work, or stay at home and work from here.

I arrived home in fairly ordinary southerly but definitely a cold one. I convinced myself to go for a run trot. No one else was out which made it all the nicer. Just me in my tights, thermals, beanie, weather proof jacket, head lamp, and weather proof gloves. Nothing quick or flashy, just a good solid 30 minutes.

The pope is snuggled up in his favourite paper bag on his favourite chair. He isn't going anywhere fast.

And I'm thinking of an early night with my book. But first there is the bomb site to deal with in the kitchen and lunch to think about for tomorrow, just in case I do venture into work.

Today's gratitude: As I cooked dinner on a modern hob in a well insulated modern home, I thought to myself how grateful I am to have moved from my old 40 year old home to this nearly new one. I am indeed grateful.

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