A Window and a Welcome to the World

I waited for hours last year to watch a baby chick hatching out of it's egg. It never happened, and I finally gave up. But, not this year. I was determined to harvest a hatchling.

I pushed two grandmas and their granddaughters out of the way so I could get my shot. The one on the left is 20 minutes old, and the one doing the greeting on the right is 2-3 hours old. So much fun to watch. I noticed the temperature of the incubator was 99F, and after 24 hours, they move the newly hatched babies into another warm place with several other chicks.

In my extras, there is a chick shot, and three shots of the calf that I tried to take on Saturday. Rowdy Roo is now 2 days old, and...when he isn't sleeping...is scampering around the pen.

I went back to the county fair because it was Senior Day. Sometimes, it's good to be a senior.

There was free parking, a free ride on a golf cart to breakfast, free pancakes, sausage, and O.J., free entertainment (senior cloggers), free bingo (I didn't play), and a free circus performance (it got rained out.)

Like the saying goes...nothing beats free. The only bad part was the weather (rainy), but perhaps it kept me in the Miracle of Birth building.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/76781400@N06/albums/72157686109979055 Twelve other shots are on my Flickr page. The cuteness factor is off the charts.

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