
By bananablip


A full day of interviews today. Who knew sitting down all day listening to people could be so exhausting? We'd prayed so much about unity and coming to the right decision and I think we're nearly there. I've found the entire process exciting and terrifying in equal measures and will be very happy when we can make the final decision.

Dashed straight from school to go and see a house with mum and dad. Unfortunately the house I was in the process of buying hasn't worked out. There were a couple of warning signs and then the survey came back and it wasn't good news. There's way too much work for me to take on. It would be like signing a blank cheque for the foreseeable future. Sometimes head has to reign over heart, and I'm now looking at the much more sensible option of a new build. I know. But I can sacrifice the beautiful character if it means I'm not worrying about damp for the next 10 years.

Sue Perkins nearly made me late for work today.

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