
By RobinBanneville

Acrobat Rat

Ever since catching a rat in my trap on the 30th of May (see here) I seem to have been inundated with them ... In fact I've caught another six of the blighters, three of which I caught this weekend alone.
At first, it was quite interesting. Catching a rat, taking his photo, then taking him for a drive and finally watching him jump for joy as I set him free in the unfamiliar undergrowth ... 
Then it became a bit of fun, seeing how many rats I could catch ... 
But then the fun began to turn into, "Oh no. Not another one" ... 
Now, however, it is rapidly becoming not only monotonous, but also slightly worrying ... How many rats are there..?? ... Is the garden infested..?? ... And worse, what happens when the weather gets colder..? Do they move indoors..?? ...
Meanwhile, as always, I took "Acrobat Rat" for a long, long drive and set him free near the rubbish tip ... 
Unlike the other rats though, Acrobat didn't seem very interested in having his freedom granted ... He stuck his nose out and had a good look around, then eventually, very tentatively, he stepped out and ran between my feet ... (for a very horrifying moment I thought he was going to run up my trouser leg) ...
He then took one final look around and started running like clappers back in the direction of my van ... Luckily there was a bit of grassy knoll between me and the van, which he quickly disappeared into ... (luckily for Acrobat, there were no gunmen hiding behind the grassy knoll) ... :o)

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