A cruel outcome

Sad followed by pleased followed by concerned. 

Sadly one member of Group 2 was still unwell this morning and felt unable to continue, as one of the 'must be met' criteria is to be a team of 4-7 it meant that her group are unable to finish and all will record a fail for their expedition, a cruel outcome as I doubt they'll be back next year in what is their A Level exam season. 

I left the Supervisor team to sort that out and then headed over to Coniston. The forecast had 70% chance of clear skies and little wind. Coniston had other ideas. I have no obligation or requirement to be up high or to greatly interact with the kids, this award is in large measure about personal growth and development. But I was also aware that conditions would be some of the worst they'd encountered, and there didn't seem to be any other support arriving. Besides, I quite like grim. 
I headed round to Goat Water in the cloud and up to the Hawse. A quick drink and a few snaps as the cloud lifted a few hundred feet,  then i back tracked to meet the group just at the pointiest bit (their term). They were well wrapped up, making good time and keeping a healthy distance from the huge drop that Dow Crag represents, all good to see.  Their practice expedition over Lliwedd obviously stood them in good stead, the stronger helping the more nervous, the navigator giving directions - teamwork happening! - and there was even a grin or two. 
We shared a few minutes then I watched them on their way working well as a team, if they were phased it didn't show, excellent. I knew right then that whatever else the day offered me they'd be my blip. 

The day ended with me pondering though. My mountain support leader walked the 3 members of G2 back to Base whilst all the four supervisors ended up solely dealing with the rather straightforward logistical task of returning four kids to school.  On a grim day (it did get a lot nicer after 15.00) no one 'chose' to come and check on G1 on what was their toughest day both on paper, and clearly in the real world. That irks me. 

My extra is some of today's mooching about finds. Am too tired this evening to identify them.... So over to you blip flower maestros (you know who you are.....) 

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