More friends

This is me with my friend Polly (middle) and another of her ex work friends Liz at The Castle on Castle Hill in Cambridge, this afternoon. We joined with several others, although not as many as I would have liked, to celebrate the future nuptials of Polly and Richard.

I was lucky to enjoy a good night's sleep at Claire's and we chatted into the morning before I left for Cambridge. There I met Clive for a late breakfast in a nice cafe where we sat outside in the sun opposite St John's College and caught up on things. I guess I probably did most of the talking! So after a welcome tea and bacon sandwich we had a brief walk through the town, then a quick circuit of a bit of Cambridge on our way to the pub. It was really nice to see Ed and Barry with his little lad Pat join us from CCC pensions days. Time flew and after everyone had headed home I walked with Pol back to my car and I drove her to the park and ride. We drove back to hers for a relaxing cuppa, cake and chat. Then at 6.30 my 2 hour drive home, broken up by a Tesco meal deal stop plus diesel. At 8.30 I got in and checked out the garden. Picked a handful of mange tout, then sat between Jon and Henry while they watched a Planet of the Apes film and I read the paper.

Bridesmaids is on the TV now. We are laughing, but I need some sleep. Shall we stay up? It is definitely more my kind of film than the Apes...

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