
By RadioGirl

Friday 7th July 2017

Up quite early to clear the decks for the cleaning ladies. While they were in the house, I took Mum to the jam factory for a coffee and a browse in their gift shop. Lots of jam-related items there of course. They do farm tours at the moment, which might explain the coach parties that regularly arrive. The cafe was nearly empty when we arrived at just after half past nine, and nearly full when we left an hour later.

I did a quick spinach pizza for lunch, then watered the plants before setting off for the flat. Thank goodness for in-car air conditioning, is all I can say. After supper, I spent an hour trimming back the overhanging greenery my upstairs neighbour complained about a couple of weeks ago - to be honest I don't know why she was so hysterical about it, it really wasn't that bad. Now relaxing and enjoying some precious "me" time in my own home.

Roses in main picture and Extras taken in Mum's garden. A good year for the roses, but the hydrangeas are really struggling this summer despite me watering them every evening.

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