Gathering Strength

I returned to Tiptree this morning - luckily the M25 and A12 were fine today, no traffic jams.  After lunch, Mum and I went to the garden centre at Stanway for a cup of tea and a biscuit, and she surprised herself and me by somehow managing to walk quite a way through to the cafe, and then around some of the store for a look at what was on sale.  She's still having good days and not-so-good days for being able to walk, but she has already regained some of her strength.

Following my decision to try and rest my left arm a bit, my shoulder and bicep muscle are neither better nor worse than yesterday.  I'm taking painkillers and using Voltarol gel on the site four times a day, so hopefully might make some progress healing it over the next week.

The bee in my photo was an easy target, as it seemed to be dozing on the lavender flower for quite a while.  The difficulty in getting the shot was the afternoon breeze, which wafted the lavender and bee in and out of focus as I was trying to frame the shot!

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