Deal or no deal?

Apparently -- NO deal.
But how can you NOT like wood?
It looked SO nice I was tempted not to treat it.
As usual I can't remember if it was Alice's idea or mine, but we bought a pair of raised beds for the veggie bit.
They didn't get built "Before Al", but (and here I almost said, with Jerra's assistance whereas he built them & I laboured) they were recently completed and the process of building a "Lasagne" bed in each is well under way.
Phase 2.
During last week the 2nd pair got under way. 
Monday - Ordered.
Wednesday - Collected.
Friday - Bought "Paint" (Treatment)
As per usual Jerra & I now have a kind of "bonding" session on Thursday, so Monday I got one set of bits painted. Thurs a.m. painted 90+% of the surfaces. In, as Mam used to say, "the P-fullness of the M" (p.m.) the lad rolled up, suitably armed and the 2nd two are now in position. Held up slightly by the fact the my two "BIG hitting sticks" have been borrowed over the years & never returned and he had forgotten his.
BUT - look at at these and tell me you don't like naked wood.
...Where does the Deal sneak in? Thusly ...
Newly cut it was noticeably pink of hue.
Says he said .... "Stringy told us about Red Deal in woodwork lessons."
So he did, but I'd forgotten the "true" (exact) definition.
I looked it up at 3-4 different sites, all of which said, more or less...
"Scots pine (Red deal) (Native to Europe - Irish strain died out)
Sapwood is straw coloured, heartwood is pale reddish brown."
"Sitka spruce (White deal) (Native to NW American coast)
Colour is whitish or pale yellow with little distinction between heartwood and sapwood."
What I have is:-
"Douglas fir (Native to NW America)
Colour is reddish white to pale white/yellow with heartwood a darker shade. Growth rings are distinct, can be regular or varied. Some homegrown Douglas is available but most comes from NW US or Canada. Fairly durable."
Either way 'tis a bonny bit of wood.
A further quick check, in case I had found an American definition of Deal, took me from a site dedicated to wood & woodwork to a dedicated dictionary, which again informed me ...
"Definition of red deal in English:
The wood of the Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris.
Mid 17th century; earliest use found in Henry Best (c1592–1645), landowner and farmer."

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