Pictorial blethers

By blethers

The oldest of them all ...

I've probably walked in and around the Bishop's Glen behind Dunoon more than anywhere else - it's within 10 minutes' walking from our house, and much of it was accessible with a buggy back in the day when I had a toddler to push. At that time there were two reservoirs in the glen - this one, and one beyond it, separated by an area of woodland and a man-made grass bank. Once, probably in 1976 or 77, I was looking for brambles, pushing son #1 in his Maclaren buggy as far as the upper reservoir in search of unplundered bushes. The best ones were on the bank that sloped fairly steeply down to the water, so I parked the buggy on top of the bank and clambered down. I can clearly remember thinking that if I were to fall in, no-one would know where I was until they found my son abandoned in an area where there wasn't actually a proper path ...

And I tell this story because an annoying man with a marginally less annoying dog tried to tell me that the glen had always been dog-ridden and poo-filled, a thing he knew because "I live here". I think he thought I was a visitor ...

But it still looks lovely on a calm afternoon. You can't see the midges.

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