down the bunny hole

By flopsybunny

Across the Green

I had to go into Cambridge today for a Drs appointment, Mr F very kindly took me. Making the most of our trip we enjoyed a lovely walk through the parks and a sit by the river watching the ducks beng fed. On our walk back to catch the park and ride bus we decided to walk through the back streets in order to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city centre. I haven't walked around Cambridge for such a long time, something I miss, and really enjoyed looking at the beautiful houses, collages and architecture that you discover as you wander around. On turning down one street we came upon the actors William Gaunt and Haydn Gwynne.....I know, I know, you're thinking why didn't I blip them but he was struggling with his bicycle at the time and she was helping him. Not that I would have been brave enough to ask them anyway! After all that excitement we returned home to have a cuppa and put our feet up.

The picture was taken from Jesus Green looking over towards St John's Collage Chapel.

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