Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The 4th of July

Not feeling as patriotic as I might with a different's still a good place to live, but we're almost always in Canada for this long weekend .. this year with son P and family. This is pretty Corny but I had to go to bed with the phone to pick a photo... woke up with some sort of cough/bronchitis ... not happy about that. A lot was done today anyway, help preparing and planting a wee garden..late I know.. and P helped H buck up some wood.. Fiona and I made some more pipe cleaner faeries, her mom had a paddle in a kayak and H and I managed a row......salmon and salads for dinner with streamer/popper things ..they always try to cover the antler "chandelier" with the confetti.. then a skit on the deck about 1776 and the signing of the declaration .... and some impromptu singing and dancing ... they do make us laugh! The sunset was less than stellar and the long sparklers we had for the beach were duds... Enuf. Hope everyone who celebrated had a safe and sane day. It's crazy by our condo in seattle.
All I can manage... good night!
Tomorrow the boys arrive for camp but their dad will stay thank heavens!

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