Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Happy Birthday USA

Celebrating The USA’s birthday in Canada, 3 days after Canada’s birthday—both wonderful free places to live..   It’s too late to decide on a 4th of July photo so here’s the easy one with group with sons and grandkids..  We took the Girls Mom and Maple sugar to the early ferry today…. (extra)   it was grey and chilly so we had a walk.. started with 8, ended with 3.   Our neighbor took the kids tubing behind the boat late afternoon which they loved and then a dip in their hot tub…We had poppers and streamers at dinner but no fireworks.   The Dads leave on the early ferry in the am..the kids are all bedded down in one 8x12 room, like a slumber party.   tomorrow the official “camp” begins, —it’s the first for Fiona who hasn’t been without her parents, got a bit freaked out last night but is very excited tonight..  I hope we survive.  :-)  will try to get the flickr set together tomorrow….

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