
By PaulaJ

Ready for home

Some people think of Calais simply as a ferry port; some people think of it as a stag party destination. We love Calais for itself. We know it well. We know the best ways in and out; we know where to stay and we know where to eat; we know where to shop and where to just sit and have a beer.

And of course it is by the sea. I rarely have a chance to take photographs by the sea, so here is one. I had some nice ones of a very professional looking wind surfer and then a group of people managed to get an enormous yellow kite into the air. But in the end I liked this picture of the sea and the sand and the man and his dog in the late afternoon sun. The dot on the horizon is a ferry coming in. We set sail for home tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who commented and gave stars and hearts for my blip yesterday. It was a special day for us and it was nice that so many people recognised it. We have been travelling all day today and I may not have chance to get back to, or even visit, everyone. But I will catch up tomorrow.

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