Tiller Girls

Still trying to catch up post hols and wedding.
Back blip from Sunday :-)

We had a much better drive home thank goodness!

We all said our farewells.....hit the road about 11 and we were home before 3. It turned out to be a lovely afternoon, so once we were unpacked we decided a couple of hours in the garden was just the tonic.

Hub cut the grass whilst I dead headed all the roses and tied in some longer branches. Unfortunately we've missed the best of our climbers whilst we were in Italy, but there are still some to open...thye do smell gorgeous!

The baskets, troughs, window boxes and containers all needed deadheading, a good feed and water. This lovely fuschia is in one of my window boxes under the kitchen windows.

I also cut down all the heads from the irises in the borders and the pond......hub tied up our Jackmanni lematis which has gone mad whilst weve been away.

I washed out the bird bath, and refilled all the feeders.

Hub had a mega fruit picking session....... so much ripening ar the same time now, loganberries, red currants, black currants, strawberries, blueberries not quite ripe yet.....need a bit more sun :-)

Once we were done around 6, after a wash and brush up, I made a thai red chicken curry, with onions garlic and chilli rice....rather delish!

Then I settled down to work through the rest of the wedding photos before sharing some with family and friends.

Before I realised it, it was time for Poldark :-))

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