Lara Lou

Back blip from Saturday's family wedding :-)

We didnt sleep too badly in the hotel.......up for breakfast, met up with youngest and his wife. The four of us went out for a walk to get some fresh air......we went to a little view point we know so that they could see the cruise ships up closer!!

Then it was back to the hotel to make ourselves look presentable for the wedding.
We picked up hubs sister and BiL en route and got to the church in good time.

The groom was a nervous wreck but he held it together........the bride looked beautiful as she took deep breaths walking up the aisle :-)
Todays blip is Lara Louise who was one of bridesmaids in their 7 strong entourage :-)
Lara is the daughter of one of the grooms sisters. Pretty as a picture :-)

The whole day went off really well, apart from their poor photographer having his "gear" locked in the church, including his phone (!!) There was lots of fun and laughter thorough the day and night, much drinking, eating and dancing followed.....even hub had a bit of a shuffle :-)

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Taylor!

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