Serving so many. More than 900 families.

27th June 2017:

They are happy to see a pump being installed in their village and they need more pumps.
The pump is near the church, school so one pump is not enough. The number is more than indicated below because the primary has a bout 2000  pupils, the church alone has 300 people and over 300 in the village.  Details
District:  Mzimba

Area:  Engalaweni

Village:  Mukholzo Jere

Distance from factory: 147  km

Depth of well:  10.1 meters

Former water source:  open well

Furthest from well:  800 meters

Number served:  900 families

Preschool:  5 mins

Primary school: 7 mins

Secondary school:  1hr.

S: 11  54  24
E: 33  21  56


Charles Mzembe: 0884452120

Sisters of Bon Secours Ireland

 Pump Number


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