Red Ring In The Deep Pond, Aylesford

It's strange how you can live somewhere for decades but yet can still find places you didn't know existed. I've never really explored the wilder, wooded area behind the recreation ground in our village, only very recently discovering this deep pond on a run after following a path I'd never been down before. Oddly, as you move along the path the deep pond becomes a flooded pit for some reason, at least that's what the warning signs say.
I'd seen this lifebuoy ring floating in this sea of green before and thought it would make an arresting image if the light was right, which it was today. Somehow, maybe months or even years ago (the area is very overgrown) someone pulled the lifebuoy stand out of the ground and threw the ring into the centre of the pond.
The other images I shot today are for the black and white project I've mentioned in my previous blips.

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