Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

My turn to be the traveller

After a manic weekend of tidying up loose ends and my house, here I am back at the airport again.
This time, it's my turn to fly away.

People kept asking me that favourite expatriot's query " Are you going home?"

Well, despite it being the land of my birth, the UK isn't my home anymore, and I feel that now Australia is my adopted home. I realised about 8 years ago that I was heading "home", as we returned to Western Australia. I guess that old saying of "home is where the heart is" - is true.

That said, I am looking forward to catching up with friends and family. I anticipate mixing busy social encounters with time on trains, planes and boats to dream, think, ponder, read and knit.
After this busy last year, this sounds like a perfect receipe to recharge my somewhat exhausted batteries.
And if that doesn't work, a week on the island of Iona will blow away the cobwebs and reinvigorate me!

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