After the rain

After the rain all these blue flowers came out. Just for one day. It ewas a marvel.

Disappointment on another house. A three-man team of technicians awaited us as we arrived late only to tell us that the beautifully positioned, if admittedly distressed house was sliding over the rock on which it was perched. A cool million to rebuild it.

We repaired with P and A, the guys, and the The Boss to drink coffee, spuma and sughi di arrancia e annanas and wonder about what to do next. The answer: keep looking (in a pool of dwindling possibilities). The guy selling the house was wearing a crumpled grim expression as this went on that could only be described as crestfallenissimo.

Later we went to Arezzo and the big outdoor monthly antiques market. It was sunny but blessedly cool. I had a spaghetti carbonara that was schifo (not a good word).

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