
Not without some last minute panic though ......
I submitted 1 hour before the clock ran out at 4 pm.
I felt exhausted and empty .... was still at my desk and cleaned up things when Neil came home.
His week was not so much better than mine. 
We could not make our selves to cook anything. I was of course not out to get anything.
So we decided to open a couple of cans of Czech Radler and go to the Chinese Take Away in Queen Margaret drive.
I used to go there quite often, but haven't been there for years.
While the food was prepared we went for a walk around the block and walked through the Childrens woosd at Kelvinside Meadows.
I never walked through it. It was beautiful! Wild flowers, little plots with veg and strawberries. I was delighted.

We ate our food, had another beer than fell to bed.

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