Me and Dad

Having a light headache in the morning, I left to work and had a good friday there. My workmatws are so dear, lovely and nice..! A lot of laughter and joking again over the morning cup of coffee.

After works a beautiful sunny day, warm +22c with a good wind, stormy. Decided to visit dad. I bought ice-cream bars dor ud and drove to the dementia ward and asked him for a walk. We did walk only over the yard to a pench and ate ice-cream and some candies and chatted peculiar things. My dad was cheerious and happy but I musy admit that I did not understand much about his words. The idea is often missing nowadays, but he still can notice things. And react. And walk short walks.

Later I only lied down in garden swing wearing shorta and T-shirt with pullover. Almost warm feeling.


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