Lower Scout Crag
It's been far far far too long since I did any climbing instruction - but today I tentatively stepped back into that world. I've my long term mentor (British Mountain Guide, Chris Ensoll) to thank for nudging me along and encouraging me not to lose focus as I work my way through seemingly never ending injuries - and today's career coaching and feedback was as ever invaluable and just the bump in the right direction I've needed. I'm surprisingly comfortable in the role of coach or instructor, but today was an assessment - fortunately both Chris and I also firmly believe that they should also be learning opportunities, so lots of top tips passed on. I was quietly pleased to hear one candidate repeating the acronym I'd just taught him as the day progressed- the four S's - Safe, Simple, Speedy Systems, a good lesson for the doing and for the reflection.
Sadly one candidate's hard learned lesson from his office desk today will be to always read the calendar properly... Im not on the course tomorrow, but hopefully he'll turn up and just be deferred for one day, an easy to make mistake, but I bet he's gutted.
Philosophy Friday
Don't practice till you get it right.
Practice till you can't get it wrong.
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