Elbow...but not in the ribs!

Today’s blip is a ‘blipsnap’, see bom’s blip https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2327392255595253485
M, B and I all went to see Elbow perform at Thetford Forest.  M and I have been Elbow fans for a while and introduced B to them last year.  They were fabulous as always and we really enjoyed singing along with them.  The lead singer, Guy Garvey is excellent at involving the crowd too, which makes it even more enjoyable.
This treat was a birthday present to us all, our birthdays fall within a few weeks of each other at the beginning of the year and so when we booked our tickets it seemed a long way off.
We count ourselves fortunate with the weather too…after two days of almost continuous rain we were blessed with a dry day, yes…we were wrapped up in lots of fleeces and coats, but then it is almost July after all:)
And, who cannot enjoy the other aspect of outdoor concerts…the juggling act required to visit the chemical portaloo after the concert, gripping a torch in my mouth, and grappling with numerous layers of warm clothing in the pitch black!  I was impressed that there was still toilet paper available though!
Apologies for a rubbish photo, it was taken on a phone, bom’s is much better.

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