Morning light.

I woke early, and on looking out of the window noticed a wonderful rosy glow in the sky, so once dressed ( I've inserted that, for fear of you imagining me wandering through woodland in my - er - um.) the dog and I strode out to catch a few shots.

As I took this shot of the dappled light along the avenue of trees, I thought to myself : "All I need is a stag to stand on the path to complete the scene." Moments later a small Muntjac peeped round a tree in the distance, with a spot of sunlight directly on him. Too far away to capture on camera, but stored away in my own memory bank. A magic moment.

The blipping dog (yes, she has her own camera, Chris) let me down badly this evening.
I was mowing the grass (again) when Mellors stopped for a chat. Now that the field next to me has been harvested the dog can see all the young pheasants that Mellors has released from the pens, and right in front of him she streaked off from sitting by my side after a cock bird, which we watched flying up the field with dog in pursuit.

"I'll blipping blip that bleeping dog of yours"

I whistled and shouted to no avail - once she is hunting, that is it. By this time she was a speck in the distance and Mellors said:
" Bleeping obedient blipping dog you got" and drove off.
Then he shouted back to me: " She's crossed the bleeping lane."

Our lane is usually very quiet but since the invention of Sat Nav it has become a frenetic rat run during rush hour.
I was fearful of her causing an accident as she made her way home, so I jumped on my bicycle and peddled the half mile up the lane to the only access to the fields on the other side. No sign of dog until 10 minutes later when she popped out of a wood, nose to the ground, still hunting. She saw me and slunk to my side head and tail down. I clipped on her lead and cycled back home along the tracks with her running at my side.
No walk needed this evening then.

Mellors came round later to see if I'd got her, he's a big softy under that bleeping exterior.

"She's got no bleeping brain - that's her blipping problem" he said as he wandered off across the beautifully mown lawn.

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