Oily Wet Weds

A day spent with oily grubby hands due to early morning bike chain and tyre woes. Cue doing a lot of walking.

Morning breakfast slot with Robin and Kate, who both lived in Cambodia and dislike cold summer rain as much as me. I drank a creamy frappuccino and imagined it was an iced coffee slathered with an inch-thick layer of condensed milk, perched on a plastic stool on baking roadside.

Adhered too enthusiastically to the old adage 'feed a cold, starve a fever' and bought a copious picnic at lunchtime that I grazed on through the afternoon.

Dealt with funding proposals in South Sudan, inter-organisational politics in Liberia, donor visits to Myanmar, reports in Indonesia, timesheets in Romania, consultants' invoices and gender issues in conservation.

Building's water supply failed.

Useful volunteer group meeting discussing our upcoming Annual General Meeting, foodbanks, job opportunities for refugees and generous offers of housing received from random sources.

Went to bed with persistent oil stains.

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