In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


A cautionary tale,
Having to nip into Aberdeen today, quickly, we decided to go for our lunch at Pret A Manger in the BonAccord Centre.
And very nice it was too.
On our way back to the car, June was having a look around Superdrug, whilst I stayed outside in the mall's walkways, just looking through my camera lens to see if anything caught my eye.
When nothing did, I wandered back into the store, and just as I went in, 2 jobsworth guys in "security" uniforms approached me and asked me to come back out of the shop. This I did , only to be told that it was illegal to take photos in the centre.
I replied that it wasn't illegal to take photos, and admittedly, raised my voice a tad, and walked back into the shop. They kept asking me to vacate the shop, but I refused. When we insisted that they show us the rules, because that is what it is, not laws, they called up to get them. They were't forthcoming, and were baffled and left speechless when we asked if they would take the same attitude to grandparents photographing their grand children, or the Xmas decorations at Xmas.
Anyway, when we pointed out that there were no signs saying that photography wasn't allowed, they admitted that there should be, and they will bring it up with whoever they have to bring it up with.
Anyway i apologised for losing it a bit, and said we were just leaving anyway.
Which we did.
So the blip today has nothing to do with the story, other than to be aware of guys with walkie talkies and cheap shirts in shopping malls.

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