Goodness Gracious Me.....

...boom boody boom boody boom boody boom
Well, goodness gracious me!

"Don't look round, but that's Doctor Carter from Coronation Street behind you," whispered Sue. Well, of course I looked round, in fact I went straight up to him and asked if I could get a photo after he had donated. He was very fact Sue, Amanda and I all grabbed our lippy and nipped outside into the sunshine to snuggle up to Oliver Mellor. He is definitely my donor of the day. 

I prised the top off a test tube and filled it with Ribena, then as I was carrying a box with a donation and the sample tubes of blood in I said to Amanda, "Do you think this looks right?" "Oh my God, no!" she said, looking horrified, then realised it wasn't real....mwhah ha ha, her face was a picture! 

We had a good day in Middleton today. It was an all girl team and we had a good laugh as we worked. 

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