Six -spot Burnet moth

As it was still quite bright and warm today after work I went for a very quick trip to Box Hill to see if I could see any Dark green fritillaries. 
There were Dark green frits there, and plenty of Marbled whites, but boy were they flighty! which was odd, as the sun had by them disappeared, and I would have expected them to be roosting in the long grasses!
Anyway I did get a few shots, but despite this I decided to share this picture of a six-spot Burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae  nectaring on small scabious.
I like the mix of colours, and the negative space around the shot (very me) and if you look closely, you can see the orchid pollinea attached to his proboscis where he had been nectaring on the numerous Pyramidal orchids.

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