The Man From Pompey, He Say, "Yes!"

Up at 0600 for a thirty kilometers run from Kusugawa to Takarazuka and back, then treated myself to a slap-up meal at the fish and chip shop in Nishinomiya. They must have some kind of reverse psychology marketing approach in operation at this shop because when I saw it on Thursday they had a closed sign on the door during operating hours. The same thing when I arrived at 1145 today. I pushed the door. Yes, it was open. While I was waiting for my fish and chips to arrive, the couple in this photo were looking at the closed sign with some bemusement. They must have assumed I was the owner of the shop because when they saw me they decided the shop must actually be open. Unlike me, they had the wherewithal to turn the "closed" sign around to "open."

Anyway, I have to say this was the best attempt at British-style fish and chips I have ever tried in Japan. The chips were perfect, although the amount was pretty meager compared to what you would get in Britain. Similarly, the size of the fish was tiny. However, for just ¥800 you could get four portions of fish, which was a decent amount. To be honest, I find even the medium sized portions of cod to be too much for me to finish in Britain, so four of these little portions was perfect. And they tasted just like the cod you'd buy at home.

So, all-in-all, a resounding thumbs-up to this Nippon-Anglo enterprise. I'll definitely be returning.

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