Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Summer's Over

Shared a wonderful weekend with youngest son and his girlfriend who came to visit us for a few days before they head south to near London next month with their work.

Son and I spent most of our time on the golf course where we pondered over our swings and just how many balls it was possible to lose in one round! I remember well the time I spent with my own father playing golf on the same course when I was in my early teens. I always cherished those times and am sure our son will do likewise in years to come.

When they left in the afternoon to drive back to Edinburgh me and Mrs B decided to go for our usual walk to the beach and back. It gave us time to reflect on the wonderful family weekend we had just shared and the fact they were the last of our summer visitors.

By the time we got back to Waterfoot the sun was sinking over the hills behind us and Autumn was very much in the air. The only sounds were of Robins marking out their territory and young buzzards high in the sky in search of food. As we walked to the mouth of the river the sun lit up the Point and small areas of Arran, while sections of blue sky and clouds reflected on the river.

While days of late afternoon sunshine are now numbered , it will not be long before the sun is rising from behind Arran at a reasonable time of the morning!

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