Lee village at high tide

Number two of three back-blips from our Devon excursion. One of the things we enjoy about staying at Damage Barton is the walk across fields and cliff tops and down an unreasonably steep and narrow lane into Lee. 

There's a pub here called the Grumpus Inn (after a whale, apparently) which serves excellent beer and cider (some of which makes the uphill return journey rather challenging).

I've often said, if my Premium Bonds did their job properly, I'd buy the small stone cottage on the shore and while away the hours waiting for a storm. 

But in a conversation with a couple of locals it turns out developers are even here in this tiny hamlet, and want to drop two dozen homes onto the derelict hotel next door!

Mind, if the Premium Binds did their job properly, I could perhaps buy the property myself! Ah, peace and tranquility...

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