A long wait for a view
Today was a U3A Ramblers Plus walking day. The omens were not good for visibility as there was thick cloud at the top of the Kirkstone Pass on the way to the start. We headed up Deepdale before branching off to climb Gavel Pike and then onto St.Sunday Crag. By this point all views had long since disappeared. We then climbed Cofa Pike en route to Fairfield. We took the main ridge as far as Hart Crag before descending onto the ridge over Hartsop Above How. The views and the sunshine returned as we hit the Hartsop Above How ridge. The blip is the view from the top of Hartsop Above How looking into Dovedale a long way below in the bottom. A very steep knee crunching descent off the ridge returned us to the car park at Cow Bridge.
I then hot-footed it back to Ambleside to meet Mr.B as we were on a film meal deal at Fellinis. The film was a live screening of the National Theatre production of a new play, Salome. Suffice to say it is two hours of my life that I will not get back. Apart from the fact that half the dialogue was in Aramaic with subtitles there was an awful lot of high pitched wailing. After 5 minutes I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it. Unfortunately there was no interval for me to nip out half way through so I had to endure another hour and a half.
Heading to Scotland for a week on Saturday so am turning comments off. Will try and continue to post wifi permitting.
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