Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

If life gives you lemons....

make lemonade!

Today was just one of those days. The weather was a horrible combination of snow, sleet and rain and was at its worst as I left my house. This meant that my usual strategy of stopping to shoot was out of the question since I did not want to stand in the pouring rain. Furthermore, my normally active blip radar was focused on avoiding a car accident and so blipping was not an option.

I had a meeting away from the office and met a colleague at Starbucks about an hour before. The topic of Blipfoto was on my mind and I was pondering what to shoot. Suddenly I had a moment of brilliance (or insanity depending on how you look at it) and thought to myself, "I am in Starbucks, why not shoot here?" The baristas gave me strange looks as I shot all manner of Starbucks paraphernalia, but did not raise a fuss.

Today's shot is the result, and it is a total departure for me. Ironically, I actually kind of like it. Here is another picture that I liked, but did not make the cut.

As the initial quote suggests, today turned out to be a good blip day. I shot something completely unexpected and enjoyed the diversion. Now what to shoot tomorrow....

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