Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A garden blip

Phew that was another hot day.  Its making me very sleepy :)  Tide time is very convenient at the moment, so Misty and her friend were able to do some paddling this morning and again tonight.  Was hoping to get a sunset on the longest day but the sun disappeared into cloud.  There was a bit of colour but nothing spectacular.  

So its official, today is the hottest Solstice since records began and the hottest June since 1976!  Amazing.  Early morning rain cooled things down for a short while, so walked around the garden looking for flowers with rain drops and couldn't resist this Cistus.  The flowers only last a day but there's always plenty of buds.  I've just bought another one, with a pale pink flower to replace one I lost last year.

Was very chuffed to see my Buttermere Reflections blip in the No. 1 spot on the popular page late last night.  Think that's a first :)

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